The equation is simple.
Suffrago + Politics = Enfranchisement
For both the electorate and their elected representatives; Suffrago enables discussion and promotes action.
Legislation Explorer
The legislative process is complicated, the laws aren't always straightforward, and sometimes party politics reigns supreme. That's why Suffrago has made it simple to understand and view what goes on in legislative assemblies such as the House of Commons.
Suffrago's Legislation Explorer aggregates: the votes, the result, and the text of the legislation to give you a clear view of what is happening. However, as we said, legislative text isn't easy to read; so we have generated summaries so you can clearly understand what is going on and what is being voted on by your representatives.
Know the situation in your area
The key to good decisions is good information, and it may surprise you to know that not all elected representatives have easy access to the data they need; and if they do it isn't easy for the public to absorb. This is why within Suffrago we surface key data points and information from the millions of data points within our Data Product Warehouse; to enable everyone to see key information about their area.
At Suffrago we believe that access to relevant and understandable data is key, especially when talking about making informed political choices and decisions. We believe when you put such valuable informaiton into the hands of decision makers and the people affected by said decisions, great debates can happen, great choices can be made, and by levelling the playing field we make it easier for everyone to engage.
Vote on votes & Weekly Polls
You elect representatives to represent your area, and it is quite likely you may not have the representative you wanted, but is that it? Not with Suffrago. We give you the ability to vote on how your elected representative has voted, so you can express what you think about how your representative is representing you.
That's not all though, for the longest time faceless polling companies have decided whose voice matters; with Suffrago that is no longer the case. Each week you can answer 5 questions about how your representative is performing and express your view.
Combined with Suffrago's Voce Populi engine, these two opportunities make it so the voice of the people has never been easier to be heard, and you can ensure your representatives are hearing what you think!
What are you waiting for?
Suffrago is available to log in and explore today! No complicated sign up process, and no credit card needed.