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Suffrago: Your Voices. Heard

People don’t care about politics. At least, that’s what we are led to believe. Look at the past decade, we have gone through the most politically turbulent time in recent history and people are passionate; they care, they protest, they vent on social media but they’re not engaging traditionally at the ballot box. I think they’re not doing so because they are fed up at not being listened to, or at least not feeling like their voice matters.

We see this trend correlate with the rise of influencers. These individuals are given influence and their voice carries weight purely because individuals give them their power to do so. However, to stand out in the social media age, you must be outspoken, a character, a personality; but they may not represent all your views, but we feel that if they represent one we are stronger through them rather than as individuals. As an inherently “liberal” person I understand the struggle, my views are not those of a mainstream party, or an individual; I haven’t met someone who shares my political perspective.

What I have been able to find though is someone who shares my passion in finding a solution to this problem, and together we have built Suffrago.

Suffrago looks to solve two main problems: How do we listen to, share, and allow anyone to hear the voice of the people? How can we enable those in power to hear, understand, and act upon it?

In today’s digital age public discourse is fragmented, social media is driven by the outlandish statements, and it feels like you are merely screaming into the void. Why? Because those in power can’t understand amidst the noise, and vitriol of these platforms; combine this with protectionist pricing policies and accessing the voice of the people has never been more difficult. It’s little wonder that those we elect to represent us can’t decipher the signal from the noise.

The problem however goes one step further, the voice of the people is just one point of data; good decisions are made with information and context, and it may surprise you to know that elected officials struggle to get access to the data they need. This is why we have built Suffi our AI engine that enables people to ask a question, get responses, but also get contextual information; meaning that informed decisions get made by hearing what the people are saying, and knowing what the current situation is.

Suffrago solves these problems by amplifying the voice of the people, and providing contextual information so that informed decisions can be made.

We are launching Suffrago globally very soon with only the voice of the people functionality (what we are calling the Voce Populi Engine) in most markets, but in the UK we are providing granular, relevant, and actionable data focused at a constituency level. Which you can see an example of below.

Our vision is we want to create a space where every voice can be heard, the vitriol is removed from public discourse, and through anonymity people can say what is on their mind and have others lend their voices in support to enable those in power to hear what the people have to say combined with key data from a range of sources to enable informed decisions.  

In future posts myself and our CEO – Andrew Gray – will dive further into Suffrago’s capabilities and how we enable your voices to be heard, but for now I wanted to introduce you to Suffrago and what we believe will be a truly revolutionary tool.

You can sign up for updates, and to join the waitlist by going to or following us on LinkedIn (; we can’t wait for you to join us on this journey.

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